Spanish fruit vocabulary: Guide for learners

Learning vocabulary related to fruits in Spanish can be both enjoyable and practical for anyone studying the language. Whether you’re preparing for a trip to a Spanish-speaking country or simply expanding your language skills, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you familiarize yourself with a variety of fruits in Spanish.

Basic Fruit Vocabulary

Let’s start with some common fruits you’re likely to encounter:

1- Apple – manzana

Example: Me encanta comer una manzana roja por la mañana. (I love eating a red apple in the morning.).

2- Banana – plátano or banana.

Example: El plátano es una fruta muy energética. (The banana is a very energizing fruit.).

3- Orange – naranja.

Example: ¿Quieres una naranja para el postre? (Do you want an orange for dessert?).

4- Grapes – uvas.

Example: Compré unas uvas verdes y unas moradas. (I bought some green and purple grapes.).

5- Strawberry – fresa or frutilla (more common in some regions).

Example: Las fresas son perfectas para hacer postres. (Strawberries are perfect for making desserts.).

6- Watermelon – sandía.

Example: En verano, la sandía es muy refrescante. (Watermelon is very refreshing in summer.).

7- Pineapple – piña or ananá (used in some regions).

Example: La piña es ideal para jugos naturales. (Pineapple is ideal for natural juices.)

8- Mango – mango.

Example: El mango maduro tiene un sabor delicioso. (Ripe mangoes have a delicious flavor.)

More Exotic Fruits

Expand your vocabulary with these less common fruits:

1- Papaya – papaya

Example: La papaya es buena para la digestión. (Papaya is good for digestion.)

2- Passion Fruit – maracuyá or parchita

Example: El jugo de maracuyá es muy sabroso. (Passion fruit juice is very tasty.)

3- Guava – guayaba

Example: La guayaba tiene muchas semillas pequeñas. (Guava has many small seeds.)

4- Dragon Fruit – pitahaya or fruta del dragón

Example: La pitahaya tiene una cáscara rosa y escamas. (Dragon fruit has a pink skin with scales.)

5- Kiwi – kiwi

Example: El kiwi es una fruta exótica de Nueva Zelanda. (Kiwi is an exotic fruit from New Zealand.)

Using Fruit Vocabulary in Context

Now, let’s see how you can use these words in sentences:

Describing Preferences:

Prefiero las fresas a las uvas. (I prefer strawberries to grapes)


Comí tres naranjas para el desayuno. (I ate three oranges for breakfast).

Giving Instructions:

Pela las bananas antes de comerlas. (Peel the bananas before eating them).

Talking About Seasons:

En invierno, es difícil conseguir sandías frescas. (In winter, it’s difficult to get fresh watermelons).

Discussing Health Benefits:

Las manzanas son ricas en fibra. (Apples are rich in fiber).

Practice using these words in everyday conversations or while shopping for groceries to reinforce your learning. Disfruta aprendiendo español y explorando nuevas frutas!

Author Profile

I am a Spanish teacher with years of experience in language instruction. I have helped many English speakers achieve fluency and confidence in speaking Spanish. My approach focuses on making learning accessible and practical for everyone, regardless of their starting level.

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