Spanish food vocabulary for beginners

Food is a fundamental part of any culture, and learning food-related vocabulary is essential for mastering a new language. In this post, we’ll explore common Spanish food vocabulary, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and common phrases that will help you navigate a Spanish-speaking kitchen or restaurant with ease.

Fruits (Frutas)

Let’s start with some of the most common fruits:

Apple – Manzana

   – Example: Me gusta comer una manzana todos los días.

   – Translation: I like to eat an apple every day.

Banana – Plátano / Banana

   – Example: Los plátanos son ricos en potasio.

   – Translation: Bananas are rich in potassium.

Orange – Naranja

   – Example: El jugo de naranja es mi bebida favorita en el desayuno.

   – Translation: Orange juice is my favorite drink for breakfast.

Strawberry – Fresa

   – Example: Las fresas son dulces y jugosas.

   – Translation: Strawberries are sweet and juicy.

Grape – Uva

   – Example: Prefiero las uvas verdes a las uvas rojas.

   – Translation: I prefer green grapes to red grapes.

Vegetables (Verduras)

Next, let’s look at some essential vegetables:

1. Carrot – Zanahoria

   – Example: Las zanahorias son buenas para la vista.

   – Translation: Carrots are good for your eyesight.

2. Tomato – Tomate

   – Example: Me gusta añadir tomates a mis ensaladas.

   – Translation: I like to add tomatoes to my salads.

Lettuce – Lechuga

   – Example: La lechuga es el ingrediente principal de una ensalada.

   – Translation: Lettuce is the main ingredient in a salad.

Potato – Papa / Patata

   – Example: Las papas fritas son deliciosas pero no muy saludables.

   – Translation: French fries are delicious but not very healthy.

Onion – Cebolla

   – Example: La cebolla le da mucho sabor a los guisos.

   – Translation: Onion adds a lot of flavor to stews.

Meats (Carnes)

Here are some common types of meat:

Chicken – Pollo

   – Example: El pollo asado es un plato muy popular.

   – Translation: Roasted chicken is a very popular dish.

Beef – Carne de res

   – Example: Prefiero la carne de res bien cocida.

   – Translation: I prefer my beef well-done.

Pork – Cerdo

   – Example: El cerdo agridulce es un plato típico de la cocina china.

   – Translation: Sweet and sour pork is a typical Chinese dish.

Fish – Pescado

   – Example: El pescado es una excelente fuente de proteínas.

   – Translation: Fish is an excellent source of protein.

Turkey – Pavo

   – Example: El pavo es tradicional en la cena de Acción de Gracias.

   – Translation: Turkey is traditional for Thanksgiving dinner.

Common Phrases (Frases Comunes)

Here are some useful phrases related to food:

I’m hungry. – Tengo hambre.

   – Example: Tengo hambre. ¿Qué hay para cenar?

   – Translation: I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?

I’m thirsty. – Tengo sed.

   – Example: Tengo sed. ¿Puedo tomar un vaso de agua?

   – Translation: I’m thirsty. Can I have a glass of water?

What do you want to eat? – ¿Qué quieres comer?

   – Example: ¿Qué quieres comer para el almuerzo?

   – Translation: What do you want to eat for lunch?

Can I have the menu, please? – ¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor?

   – Example: Al llegar al restaurante, dije: «¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor?»

   – Translation: Upon arriving at the restaurant, I said, «Can I have the menu, please?»

The food is delicious! – ¡La comida está deliciosa!

   – Example: Después de la cena, comenté: «¡La comida está deliciosa!»

   – Translation: After dinner, I commented: «The food is delicious!»

 Tips for Practicing Food Vocabulary

1- Label items in your kitchen with their Spanish names.

2- Create flashcards with pictures and Spanish words.

3- Practice ordering food in Spanish at a restaurant.

4- Cook recipes from Spanish-speaking countries and use the Spanish names for ingredients.

5- Watch cooking shows or videos in Spanish.

By incorporating these vocabulary words and phrases into your daily routine, you’ll become more comfortable with Spanish food terms in no time. 

Author Profile

I am a Spanish teacher with years of experience in language instruction. I have helped many English speakers achieve fluency and confidence in speaking Spanish. My approach focuses on making learning accessible and practical for everyone, regardless of their starting level.

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